The majority of women neglect their toenails. They spend a lot of money on their fingernails: hardeners, scrubs, moisturizers and manicures of all kinds. But when it comes to their toenails, they leave them cracked and without any shape or color. Do you remember the last time you did a pedicure? And yes, it’s time to take care of your toenails with the professional pedicure kits!
1 – Hygiene
The first thing to do in order to have beautiful nails is to clean them daily. What I recommend you do is soak your feet every night in a pedicure spa liner of warm salted water. This will not only allow you to relax, but also fight one of the infections that most affects your nails – nail fungus. After ten minutes of relaxation, rub your nails well and especially the contours with soap and once a week with an exfoliant.
2 – Hydration
The edges of the nails tend to form small dead skin and this is aesthetically very unpleasant! Even the fingernails tend to look dry and cracked. This is why good hydration is essential. What I advise you to do is to massage your feet, nails and especially their contours every evening with olive oil. Then wear clean socks and stick with them overnight. In the morning, you will see! You will have baby feet and zero dead skin or dry, brittle nails.
3 – Cut the nails well
Toenails should be trimmed every two to three weeks. Because long toenails are not a pretty sight and they can also cause an ingrown toenail. Cutting them regularly is good, but you have to know how to cut them well! In fact, unlike the fingernails, the toenails should preferably be cut in a square shape rather than a rounded one.
4 – A regular pedicure
To take good care of your toenails, having a pedicure every month is far from a bad idea. If you don’t want to spend the money every month on a pedicure, you can do it yourself with the pedicure set! And here are the steps:
- Soak the feet in lukewarm water for about 15 minutes so that the nails and cuticles become supple,
- Exfoliate well,
- Cut the nails according to the rules of the art,
- File the nails so that the edge is not thick,
- Remove cuticles,
- Moisturize the feet with a cream or with sweet almond oil,
- Make a first coat of basic varnish and another in color if you wish.
5 – The use of varnish
First of all, I recommend that you use a foam toe spreader, this will allow you to apply the polish with ease. Then start with a protective base coat or even a tonic if they’re brittle. Finally, apply a layer of colored varnish and why not a little nail art!
Read also:How to Take Care of Your Nails?