Diet has a definite impact on the beauty of the hands and therefore the nails. Several mineral salts, vitamins and nutrients are highly recommended for nails to be healthy.
A healthy diet, a guarantee of health for the nails
Nutritionists will confirm it: diet determines the appearance of nails, whether you like it or not. Therefore, it is strongly advised to diversify its menu so that the body can absorb all the nutrients essential for its functioning, including the construction of nails. This will of course avoid ending up with brittle, pale, soft or white streaked nails. We will therefore consume proteins that are essential for the formation of keratin, the main component of the nail tablet. Fatty acids for their part participate in the health of the nails, but also in their growth and beautification.
Focus on minerals
Zinc, copper, iron and magnesium: these are the minerals inseparable from nail health. The first two stimulate their growth. They are found in fish, eggs and red meat, but also in soybeans, oats and seafood. For strong nails, magnesium and iron are consumed. In the absence of being able to ensure the recommended dose through the diet, one can make the choice to take minerals by supplementation.
Focus on vitamins
Vitamins strengthen the immune defenses. Fruits are the main sources of vitamins. For nails, they are therefore of paramount importance. Vitamins A and B8 strengthen the nails. Vitamin B5 is a real source of rejuvenation, as it is a moisturizing nutrient. In order to prevent the early aging of keratin, vitamin E is used, which is a natural antioxidant.
We recommend that you use the adequate manicure and pedicure set to take care of your nails before applying any kind of decoration.
to take care of your nails before applying any kind of decoration.
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